Polymer Clay Day #30: Shimmery Silver Venous Cross

Sunday. My favorite day of the week, as you may know. I am so blessed in this life. It is crazy. God is so good to me. Today’s clay piece is my hugely inadequate thank you to Him. I’ll accompany it with trying my best to shine His light in the world around me.

Polymer Clay Day #27: AA Circle Triangle Silver and Red Pendant

Here is today’s creation. Stuck on metallics at the moment. I did see something different today, involving polymer clay and dogs. Two of my very favorite things. I never really thought about combining them. Check out this website – Nanjo Dogz, where the artist makes lil’ doggie figurines out of clay and sells them in her Etsy store. So adorable. She is clearly passionate about dogs, which has collided with her clay passion for the benefit of dog owners into uniquely wonderful art. Off to see if she has beagles or jack russells!

Polymer Clay Day #25: Chinese Character Pendants

Sorry about the poor picture quality. It started raining just as I stepped outside to photograph my finished product, leaving me rushed and in low light. I think God may be teaching me about patience. Anyway… I found a great blog here, with some unique polymer clay tutorials by artist Ponsawan Sila. There are several I want to try, and today’s clay project came from this post. All in all, I am not to stoked about the outcome, but that happens. Her version is more appealing to me. I am, however, very excited about this awesome site. She has put a lot of time into her step by step tutorials, which she provides for free. I have been looking for many of the techniques she shares, and have run across several pay sites, as well as brief tutorials. None like hers. Awesome.

Polymer Clay Day #23: Green Cross For Grandma

My grandma is my best friend. How lucky am I?! She is full of love, hilarious, caring, loyal, creative, inspiring… the full package. Her favorite color happens to be green (mine too, when orange is not one of the choices), and her favorite symbol, the cross. It was inevitable that I make her this necklace. She was ecstatic upon receiving it, like a kid in a candy store. Pure joy.


Polymer Clay Day #22: Silver, Swirly, and Joyous…

I had a hard time deciding what to do today. I kinda wanted to make lil’ cupcake earrings to go with the necklace in the previous post, but joy won in the end. I love Sundays. My favorite day of the week by far. Word of the day: JOY – awareness of the beauty in life. Scatter joy!

Polymer Clay Day #18: Silver Hope Pendant

“Hope is the feeling that the feeling you have isn’t permanent.” – Jean Kerr

Leaving D.C. in a few hours. Home to my doggies, crafts, and packing to move! I am wondering if my husband could be convinced that we should make the 40 mile drive to Artway, a store in Maryland devoted entirely to Polymer Clay. I am so drooling right now. Drooling.

Polymer Clay Day #17: AA Circle Triangle Hope Inscribed

Last day in Washington. Read about why I am too tired to write more, here!
From what I have read since I have been away, it is time to invest in a machine buffer for my clay pieces. Check out this video, where her beads look like glass, they are so shiny. The secret, buffing. Happy claying…

Polymer Clay Day #16: Face of Prayer Square Pendant

This is a different piece than what I have done before. Do you see the face?
I will return from D.C. on Wednesday. I made and photographed enough clay projects so that I didn’t need to interrupt 100 days of clay with my vacation. I can’t promise I will do the same when it comes to moving to Bloomington at the end of the month, but we’ll see. Wanna come help me move?

Polymer Clay Day #14: Beaming Cross

Stamping and clay! I love where this clay challenge is taking me. So many things to try.

I write from somewhere in West Virginia. Off to D.C. tomorrow. Hoping to find some artsy crafty haven. It is beautiful here, but raining, so the camera is housed for now. Tomorrow will bring sun. Pics to come…

Polymer Clay Day #13; Holy Spirit Dove Pendant

Polymer clay dove pendant; Inspired by the fact that God sent the Holy Spirit to guide us in His ways – a miraculous gift, the extent of which is beyond me. All I know is… Thank you, Lord. Here is a meditation on one of my favorite chapters in the book of John.

“When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth”

Scripture: John 16:12-15

12 “I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now.13 When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth; for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come. 14 He will glorify me, for he will take what is mine and declare it to you. 15 All that the Father has is mine; therefore I said that he will take what is mine and declare it to you.

Meditation: What would you give to know all truth! Truth, however, is not something we create nor is it our discovery. It is the gift of God who is the possessor and the giver of all truth. Jesus tells his disciples that it is the role of the Holy Spirit to reveal what is true. How can this be? Skeptics of truth don’t want to believe in an absolute Truth. If truth is objective then it must be submitted to as authoritative. Some fear the truth because they think it will inhibit their freedom. Jesus told his disciples that the truth will set you free (John 8:32).The truth liberates us from doubts, illusions, and fears. Since God is the source of all truth, then the closer we draw to him and listen to his word, the more we grow in the knowledge of him and of his great love and wisdom for us. Jesus told his disciples that he would send them the Spirit of truth who will announce to you the things to come. Through the Holy Spirit, we proclaim our ancient faith in the saving death and resurrection of Christ until he comes again. The Lord gives us his Holy Spirit as our divine Teacher and Helper that we may grow in the knowledge and wisdom of God. Do you seek the wisdom that comes from above and do you willingly obey God’s word?

“Lord Jesus, fill me with your Holy Spirit and guide me into your way of truth. Free me from erroneous and false ways and lead me in the knowledge of your ways and your will for my life. May there be nothing in my life that is not under your lordship.”

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