Hello! It is me again, Vidya from Whats Ur Home Story. Has Spring been good to you? Surprisingly for the first time in many years my allergies are minimal, which is a huge relief. As a result I got to cross off many projects from my To Do List! Yay! †Have you noticed that sometimes it is the small projects that surprise you with how big of an impact they make? Today, I have one such makeover for you.
In its past life this bin used to be “under the bed toy storage” in my daughter’s room.
Yes, complete with pink and white stripes that my daughter used to love when she was 5. Not any more! As she has grown so has her tastes in decor. She is also at a stage where she doesn’t play with her old toys much; so we ended up donating most of it. This freed up the bins for using in the laundry room. But pink?
With the help from some left over chalk paint from a chair makeover and a stencil that I used for a throw pillow project I gave it a new lease of life!
†When using chalk paint on fabric,
- First mist the fabric thoroughly with water using a sprayer. The fabric should be damp but not completely wet.
- Paint using a well loaded roller. Th fabric does soak up paint so you’d end up doing at least 3 coats.
- Once the paint is dry position the stencil with a stencil adhesive on the flat side of the bin. With a sponge gently stencil with fabric paint.
The project is very forgiving as you can easily go back and paint over any mistakes. For example, see the orange paint smudges next to the bird?
I just went over those with chalk paint and poof they were gone!
Have you used chalk paint on fabric before? How did it go?
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