Spring Mason Jar Chandelier Update

Mason Jar Chandelier with #MarthaStewart glow in the dark paint @savedbyloves


Remember my Mason Jar Chandelier tutorial I showed made awhile back?  It started rainbow colored, turned pumpkin orange in the fall, then went red glitter over Christmas and Valentine’s Day.  It was time for an update.  This time I went with Martha Stewart glow in the dark paint.  My porch is getting more colorful by the day!

Mason Jar Chandelier with #MarthaStewart glow in the dark paint DIY@savedbyloves

Mason Jar Chandelier with #MarthaStewart glow in the dark paint neon@savedbyloves

The paint is glow in the dark.  It really isn’t sitting in direct sunlight, so I am not sure how “charged” it will get during the day, but I am hoping it will glow in the evening!

Mason Jar Chandelier with #MarthaStewart glow in the dark paint @savedbyloves



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