Old Socks to Fingerless Gloves

old Socks To fingerless Gloves @savedbyloves

Have your worn your favorite socks to the point of holes and you are just not ready to part with them?  Why not turn them into fingerless gloves, with this simple DIY?  You will have your own unique custom gloves for next to nothing, and you will have saved your holy socks from being tossed in a landfill!

Upcycle old socks to fingerless gloves in this EASY diy @savedbyloves

You will need:

Fabric scissors or rotary cutter and mat

old socks

sewing machine

chalk pencil


Cut off socks above ankles at length you want your gloves.

Turn Socks inside out.

Sew three “Vs” on raw edge for 4 fingers (see photo).

Cut between stitched V’s to create fingers.

Put on glove and mark where thumb is.

Cut 1/2 inch slit for thumb.



Turn old socks to Easy fingerless gloves @savedbyloves


{if you don’t want frayed edges, whipstich them}

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