Marker Art Fun

AlwaysHaveFaith2New Year’s Resolution time always makes me pause and reflect.  I realized I have put off some things I have wanted to do for awhile, and have decided to aim for more balance (same resolution every year… balance).  I am going to draw/art journal everyday in 2013, even if only for a minute.

Here is a piece I did this week for a Christmas gift.  I used bristol smooth paper, papermate flair pen for the outline in black, and prismacolor markers for the coloring.  Super fun.  Doodling is addictive.  I took a cool class for $25 called A Whole New Doodle from Stephanie Ackerman, and it has my pen moving.  It is kinda meditative, and perfect for this blizzard that hit today.  Plenty of time for artwork!

Prismacolor marker doodle art @savedbyloves

 What are you working on these days?  New Year’s resolutions?

Leaving you with my back porch…


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