Dollar Store Stenciled Gift Mugs


#DIY #Christmas #Gift Stenciled Dollar Store Mugs #MarthaStewartHoliday

I snatched up these plain white coffee mugs from the dollar store recently, with Christmas gift mugs in mind.  These are perfect to fill with treats, greeting cards, or gift cards for display on Christmas morning.  Stencil custom monograms and text with Martha Stewart’s glass paint and adhesive stencils for a personalized keepsake.  Give them to neighbors or coworkers.  They will never know you paid $1!

#DIY #Christmas #Gift Stenciled Dollar Store Mugs #MarthaStewartHoliday


Dollar store coffee mugs

Martha Stewart glass paint

Martha Stewart adhesive stencils

Rubbing alcohol

Paint daubers or stencil brush

#DIY #Christmas #Gift Stenciled Dollar Store Mugs #MarthaStewartHoliday


Clean mugs with rubbing alcohol

Plan design and place stencils

Apply Paint

#DIY #Christmas #Gift Stenciled Dollar Store Mugs #MarthaStewartHoliday

Carefully remove stencil before paint dries completely

#DIY #Christmas #Gift Stenciled Dollar Store Mugs #MarthaStewartHoliday

#DIY #Christmas #Gift Stenciled Dollar Store Mugs #MarthaStewartHoliday

The paint is permanent  after 21 days of air drying, or you can speed this up by baking per instructions on Plaid’s website.

#DIY #Christmas #Gift Stenciled Dollar Store Mugs #MarthaStewartHoliday

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