Here is another peek at my craft room overhaul. I wanted to be able to see all of my buttons in a way that was cute and vertical, since horizontal space is quite the commodity. I thought of a tiered cake stand, and decided to hit the dollar store for supplies to make my own. With the exception of the glue and spray paint (which I had on hand), I got everything needed to create this organizer for less than $4, and I love it! You could even use extra plates in small, med, large, and a couple of wine glasses or candle sticks if you have them handy.
I found these silvery plates in 3 sizes, and some wine glasses, which I spray painted white with Krylon Dual (already has primer in it). Two coats each with 10 minutes of dry time between did the trick.
Next, I just glued the wine glasses in place on the plates with a line of E6000 around the rim and base. Let dry overnight before using.
I love it! I can see all my buttons, it is adorable, and it cost under $4.
To see how I made the marker storage on the wall, visit this DIY craft marker storage post.
Visit my craft magazine/book storage tutorial for how to convert hardware store boxes to cute, essentially free storage.
More budget friendly organizing for those craft spaces to come.
What are your favorite creative organizing solutions?