Have you contemplated accepting credit card payments for your handmade goods, but been overwhelmed by the high cost of getting started, and the complicated transaction fees? Square Up is the best option out there, and we have searched high and low.
How easy is it? As you can see in the photo, you plug the FREE card reader into your phone’s headphone port and swipe. The reader works with:
- Apple iOS devices running 4.0 and up
- Google Android devices running 2.1 and up
The best part is… the fee is 2.75% per credit card swipe. That is that. No hidden fees or minimum transaction requirements.
To get paid, you just link your bank account to your free Square Up account, and your earnings are directly deposited into your linked account within 36 hours.
This could not be easier, and is way cheaper than investing in the other credit card services available. Increase you revenue significantly by accepting credit card payments. Do so easily and inexpensively with Square Up!