Looking for a quick and easy gift for Valentine’s Day? This project fits the bill. Remember this post on patriotic resin jewelry? The process is the same, except I used Valentine’s Day sprinkles instead of red, white and blue. I also used heart shape bezels which I found with the polymer clay at Hobby Lobby. Follow along for the step by step, and you will be on your way to your very own LOVE jewelry.
- Magic Glos
- Pendant and earring bezels and desired jewelry findings
- A sunny day, or UV curing lamp; I use Lisa Pavelka’s and it works like a charm
- Toothpicks
- Tile small enough to fit into lamp to cure your pieces on
- Sprinkles
- small mixing cup
- Pour some sprinkles into the cup, along with a few drops of Magic Glos and using toothpick, mix resin and sprinkles so that sprinkles are coated.
- Use toothpick to pick up a clump of sprinkles/resin and spread into bezel. You don’t want the sprinkles to go higher than the lip of the bezel. When you are happy with the coverage, put a drop or two of Magic Glos in the middle and expose to UV to cure (either outside on a sunny day, or under a UV lamp.
- Once cured, add another layer of resin to get the dome effect and cure again. You can add embellishments, stickers or whatever you can think of at this point too. I used my label maker to make this love sticker. I put it on top of the cured layer, then put resin over it, then cured.
TIP: Use toothpick to “pull” resin from middle of piece out to the edges
I just love this UV resin. There is another, way less expensive brand called UltraDome, which is being shipped to me soon. I hope I love it as much as I love Magic Glos. I will keep you posted!