Quick Lacy Shawl Crochet Pattern

Free shawl pattern

It is time for crochet hooks and knitting needles everywhere to get stitching on those handmade holiday gifts.  As wonderful as it would be to have the time to make everyone on our lists a luxurious afghan, that just isn’t a possibility for me, and I am assuming you are in the same boat!  Prayer shawls make perfect gifts and work up in a jiffy.  Here is one that I recently created with  the intention of gifting it, however the verdict is still out on whether or not I will be able to part with it.  I should have know better than to make it in my favorite color.

Crochet Shawl


  • Size K Crochet Hook
  • Homespun yarn or bulky weight (5) yarn of your choice; 2 skeins (I used Homespun Wildfire
  • Yarn needle for hiding tails


  • Ch 74.
  • Row 1: Sc in 2nd ch from hook, ♥ch 5, skip 3 chs, sc in next ch; repeat from ♥ to last 4 chs, ch 2, skip next 3 chs, tr in last ch; 18 sps
  • Row 2: Ch 1, turn; sc in first tr, skip next ch-2 sp, ♥♣ (2 dc, ch1, 3 dc, ch 1, 2 dc) in next ch-5 sp ♣ ch 5, sc in next ch-5 sp; repeat from ♥ four more times, then repeat from ♣ to ♣ once, ch 2, tr in last sc.
  • Row 3: Ch-1, turn; sc in first tr, ch 5, skip next ch-2 sp, ♥(sc in next ch-1 space, ch 5) twice, sc in next ch-5 sp, ch 5; repeat from ♥ acrossto last 2 ch-1 sps, sc in next ch-1 sp, ch 5, sc in last ch-1 sp, ch 2, tr in last sc.
  • Row 4: Ch 1, turn; sc in first tr, ch 5, skip next ch-2 sp, sc in next ch-5 sp, (ch 5, sc in next ch-5 sp) across, ch 2, tr in last sc.
  • Row 5: Ch-1, turn; sc in first tr, ch 5, skip next ch-2 sp, ♥ sc in next ch-5 sp, ch 5, sc in next ch-5 sp (2 dc, ch1, 3 dc, ch 1, 2 dc) in next ch-5 sp, sc in next ch-5 sp, ch 5; repeat from ♥ across to last ch-5 sp, sc in last ch-5 sp, ch 2, tr in last sc.
  • Row 6:  Ch 1, turn; sc in first tr, ch 5, skip next ch-2 sp, sc in next ch-5 sp, ch-5, (sc in next ch-1 space, ch 5) twice, ♥ (sc in next ch-5 space, ch 5) twice, (sc in next ch-1 space, ch 5) twice, repeat from ♥ across to last 2 ch-5 sps, sc in next ch-5 sp, ch 5, sc in last ch-5 sp, ch 2, tr in last sc.
  • Row 7: Same as Row 4.
  • Row 8: Ch 1, turn; sc in first tr, skip next ch-2 sp, ♥♣ (2 dc, ch1, 3 dc, ch 1, 2 dc) in next ch-5 sp, sc in next ch-5 sp ♣ ch 5, sc in next ch-5 sp; repeat from ♥ four more times, then repeat from ♣ to ♣ once, ch 2, tr in last sc.
  • REPEAT rows 3-8 until shawl measures about 50 inches in length.  End on row 8, but don’t tie off.  Continue to edging.
  • Edging:  Ch-1, do not turn sc evenly  all the way around with 3sc in the corner stitches.  Join with sl st to first sc.  Weave in any ends.  Finished.

Crochet Shawl Pattern

Crochet gift ideas



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