Custom Vision Board Project for College Football Player Hoping to Go Pro

Yeah, I know. There is nothing about clay in this, but it is what I did in lieu of a clay project, since my client wanted it soon. I had fun with it. She sent me some pictures and I turned them into this newspaper collage.

The idea behind a vision board, for those of you who are in the dark, is you fill it with things you would like to see come to fruition in your life. When you surround yourself with images of where, who, what you aspire to be, your circumstances change to match those hopes and desires.
There are endless ways to make them. Many I have seen use poster board with cut out magazine images or headlines. The first one I made for myself had a photoshopped picture of me crossing the finish line at the Boston Marathon. Hey, I didn’t say how long it took for the things to materialize. I still have time for that 🙂
The concept has been popularized since the release of “The Secret” about the law of attraction.
Here is a great step by step to get your creative juices flowing in the area of your very own vision board. There is great power in positivity!
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