Monday’s Mania

Ok. New tradition for my new blog. I know I said I wasn’t posting for a few days, but this is a nice break from trying to figure out HTML.
I am big on assigning tasks to weekdays beginning with the same letter. It started with “Trash Tuesday”, which helped me remember the pickup day in my new neighborhood. It has taken off from there, and was bound to find its way into my blogging. So, Monday’s post will be “Monday Mania” – a place for me to share whatever creative obsession lingers from the weekend. Enjoy!

1. Crochet Washcloths – Pictured above are the bathroom cloths I made over the weekend. I plan to use the color palate in the other pic, showing my project cotton yarn. I was inspired by this free pattern at You do have to register to get access to their patterns, which is free as well.
I opted for the much cheaper yarn (peaches and cream) which I got at wal mart for $1.27. I had never made crochet washcloths before, and never really cared to until I ran across this pattern. I have been using one to was my face and for makeup remover at night. It is actually quite soft, and a little more special since I made it myself.
If you have never crocheted, I highly recommend starting. There are tons of online tutorials to get you started, and this will be a quick, easy project to begin your new craft. I taught myself using Crochet Cabana, an amazing website loaded with in depth tutorials for novices. That was 6 years ago and I am rarely without hook in hand. I being able to make anything from afghans to mittens to cutie little amigurumi. Quite gratifying.
Let me know if you have questions!
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