Z Gallerie Inspired Dollar Store Winter Wreath


Make a Dollar Tree Silver #Christmas #Wreath @savedbyloves


This wreath was inspired by the Z. Gallerie silver magnolia leaf wreath that I fell in love with, but not $70 in love with.  More like “make my own version for $10” love, is what it was.  I had the spray paint, primer, wreath form and ribbon on hand.  I just needed leaves.  Hmmm.  I scoured my city for some magnolia trees, to no avail.  I did find some leaves in my neighborhood with the same basic shape.  I gathered up a pile, dipped them in beeswax and spray painted them silver.  They look stunning, but I wanted a big wreath, and was not about to dip and spray that many leaves.  You will see that technique in an upcoming post.  For today’s tutorial, see how I primered and sprayed dollar store leaves to create my own Z. Gallerie inspired silver magnolia leaf wreath!

Make a Dollar Tree Silver #Christmas #Wreath @savedbyloves


16 inch Styrofoam wreath form

10 bundles (5 leaves each) of big oblong leaves from Dollar Tree

White Primer

Silver Spray Paint

Wire Ribbon

Make a Dollar Tree Silver #Christmas #Wreath @savedbyloves


Make a Dollar Tree Silver #Christmas #Wreath @savedbyloves

I left my leaves on the stem and splayed them out to spray them.  Protect your work surface for over spray first!

Primer, let dry overnight, then spray with silver.

When that dries, cut leaves from bunch, leaving 1.5-2 inch stem to insert into wreath form.

I made 3 concentric rows of leaves around my wreath form.  I stuck the leaf in perpendicular to the form, then bent it at 90°.


Add a bow and hang.

Make a Dollar Tree Silver #Christmas #Wreath @savedbyloves


Here is the Z Gallerie inspiration:

Z Gallerie magnolia leaf wreath knock-off

I love my $10 version.  What do you think?  What is on your door this year?

Make a Dollar Tree Silver #Christmas #Wreath @savedbyloves

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